1. Journey Planning
Make sure that you plan your journey in advance, there are lots of useful apps which can help you with this and can also provide live journey updates on the day.

If you are travelling by car, try and plan a couple of routes and organise where you will park. Alternatively, if you are travelling by bus or train, check for any planned works which may disrupt your journeyand make sure you check weather reports the night before.
On the day, allow yourself plenty of time, aim to arrive in the area around 20 to 30 minutes before the interview is scheduled to start, especially if you are relying on public transport. Once you are nearby you can take a little bit of time to compose yourself, before going into the venue around 10 minutes before the interview.
2.Fail to prepare: Prepare to fail!
In-depth preparation is a vital part of the interview process, we suggest you use the company website, recent press releases, insight from the recruiter you might be working with and LinkedIn to develop your knowledge in the following areas:
- The company
- The roles that the interviewers who you are meeting undertake.
- The role you are interviewing for.
- The organisations product/service.
- Their clients and competitors.
- The company vision and values.
Ensure that you also prepare responses to different types of questions you are likely to be asked, for example, scenario, behavioural, technical or competency-based questions.
3. Make a good impression.
Ensure that you present yourself in a professional manner, from the moment you arrive. This means always making sure that:

- You are on time for the interview.
- You know who you are meeting.
- You dress appropriately.
- Make eye contact.
- Give a firm handshake.
- Speak clearly.
- Listen effectively.
- Do not criticise your previous manager or employer. ?
Soft skills and cultural fit are important factors when employers are deciding who to hire into their businesses.
4. Clarify your "selling points" and the reasons you want the job.
Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, which you think make you the best candidate for the position. Be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, and what abilities it requires that you possess. If an interviewer doesn't think you're really, really interested in the job, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how good you are!
5. Ask smart questions.
Asking the interviewer questions will not only demonstrate your knowledge of the company and enthusiasm for the role, but it will also help you decide if this is the right opportunity and employer for you. We recommend you prepare at least 15 questions, as 75% of the questions will be covered during the interview. The focus of your questions should include the role, the company and the interviewers.

6. Anticipate the interviewer's concerns and reservations.
There are often more candidates for positions than there are opening so interviewers may look for ways to screen people out. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself which areas of your skills and experience may fall short of what they are looking for. Then, prepare some examples of how you can overcome these.
7. Bring a copy of your CV to every interview.
Have a copy of your CV with you when you go to every interview. If the interviewer has misplaced their copy, you'll save a lot of time (and embarrassment on the interviewer's part) if you can just pull your extra copy out and hand it over.
8. Don't give up!
If you've had a bad interview for a job that you truly think would be a great fit for you, don't give up! Speak to the recruitment business who are representing you and explain which areas you felt you could have discussed more effectively and reiterate what you have to offer the company. We also recommend you consider arranging an endorsement which may offset any concerns the interviewer has.
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